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ドルドーニュの小さな村の警察署長であるブルーノ・クレージュは、ネロ・ウルフやサルボ・モンタルバーノのような架空の探偵兼美食家の壮大な伝統に属しています。しかし、ブルーノと他の人の間には大きな違いが1つあります。 ブルーノ料理。ブルーノは犯罪を調査し、犯罪者のマスクを外している間、同僚、隣人、女性の友人のために自分の地域の料理を使った食事を準備する時間を常に見つけています。
これまでに、ブルーノは2冊の本でトリュフのオムレツを作りました。 ブルーノ警察署長 と NS ダークヴィンヤード。もちろん、彼は自分の鶏の卵と地元のトリュフを使用しています。残念ながら、私たちは商用製品を受け入れなければなりませんでした。
ブルーノと彼の友人たちは、屋外のごちそうで暖炉の上で2頭の春の子羊を丸ごとローストします。 ダークヴィンヤード。屋外グリルを利用できないため、このレシピを選択するのはややひねくれたものでした。子羊全体が3人にとって明らかに問題外でした。しかし、私たちは論理や常識が私たちを遅くさせませんでした。私たちは半分骨のある子羊の脚を持っていました。それを月桂樹の葉とローズマリーの小枝を詰めてから、平炉の電気ロティサリーに転がし、結び、設置しました。
この本では、子羊は次の混合物で繰り返ししつけられました vin de noix、オリーブオイル、ハチミツ。実際のフランスの強化クルミワインは入手できませんでしたが、次のように十分に近似しました。 nocino、イタリア語版。ノシノ、オリーブオイル、栗の蜂蜜を等量使用しました。残念ながら、ブルーノのように、それを磨くためのベイツリーの枝もありませんでした。そのため、この料理のバージョンにはいくつかの妥協点がありました。
の ブラックダイアモンド、ブルーノは友人の男爵の家で夕食に鹿肉のシチューを作ります。他の3人のゲストはサルダデーズポテトを準備します。ブルーノのウェブサイトにジャガイモの完全なレシピがあります。ワックス状のララテ家宝のジャガイモをパーボイルし、スライスして鴨の脂肪で焦げ目がつくまで炒め、最後の数分間、ニンニクとパセリのみじん切りでかき混ぜました。
これは、世界の私たちの地域のジャガイモにとって素晴らしい冬ではありませんでした-ほとんどはほとんど味がありませんでした-しかし、これらはアヒルの脂肪から青々としていて、ニンニクからピリッとしています。それに加えて、新鮮なアスパラガスの槍を茹でて溶かしたバターをまぶしただけでした。ブルーノは通常、アスパラガスにオランデーズソースをかけますが、食事には 悪魔の洞窟 彼はそうしません–なぜなら、彼は説明します、オムレツにはすでに卵があったからです。卵も持っていたので、アスパラガスは無地のままにしました。私たちは、緑で、心停止するほど豊かではない何かを皿に必要としていました!
ブルーノは本の中でデザートをあまり頻繁に作っていないので、彼の料理の満腹度を考えると当然のことながら、私たちはさらに遠くに目を向けます。クルミはドルドーニュの貴重な特産品であることを知って、私たちはWebでペリゴールからクルミのデザートレシピを調べ、それほど複雑に見えないものを選びました。甘いペストリー生地のタルトシェルで、卵、クリーム、牛乳、砂糖、そしてたくさんの刻んだクルミをカスタードで詰めて焼きました。 (レシピを見ると1つの注意:私はそれを信用していませんでした pâtesucrée テクニックなので、以前に作成したものとは別のバージョンを使用し、自信を持っていました。)
タルトはとても甘かったですが、とても心地よいものでした:クッキーのような皮、クリーミーなセンター、カリカリのナッツ。もっと簡単な夕食の後、私はまたそれを成し遂げるかもしれません! –砂糖を少し減らすだけです。それで私たちはソーテルヌの別のグラスを楽しんだので、私たちがどこから始めたかの液体のリマインダーで終わりました。
2020年半ばにオープンする予定のFladgatePartnership&#8217s World of Wineは、5つの美術館体験、9つのレストランとバー、ワインスクール、複数の展示スペースをすべてFladgateの旧港内に提供する野心的な観光プロジェクトです。ポルト市の倉庫。
アルゼンチンのメンドーサ州内の標高の高い小地域であるウコバレーからは、アンデス山脈と現在南アメリカから出ている最高級ワインの息を呑むような景色を眺めることができます。アルゼンチンのマルベックは世界中で認められ、楽しんでいますが、ウコバレー内の多くのワインメーカーは、新しいサブアペラシオンを確立し、複合施設を強調するために取り組んでいます テロワール それはしばしば過小評価されます。これらのワインの多くは国際市場に出回っていますが、この地域を訪れると、輸出するのに十分な量が生産されていない単一ブドウ園の瓶詰めやブティックプロジェクトを味わうユニークな機会が得られます。
ウコバレーには、成長するエノツーリズム市場に対応する、小さくて洗練されたホテルがたくさんあります。 Casa de Uco、Casa Petrini、CasadeHuéspedesなどの施設は、Bodegas Salentein、Familia Zuccardi、AlfaCruxなどの最高のワイナリー体験のすぐ近くにゲストを配置します。
ブエノスアイレス(アルゼンチン)、パナマシティ(パナマ)、リマ(ペルー)、サンティアゴ(チリ)からのフライトを受け取るメンドーサの街での滞在であなたの訪問を予約してください。比較的控えめな規模ですが、街には豊富な飲食店があり、フランシスモールマンが、絶賛されている1884年の居心地の良いファミリースタイルのレストランで、クラシックな料理を提供しています。 パリラ (ステーキハウス)。
2. Valle de Guadalupe、メキシコ
Decantos、Monte Xanic、Vena Cava、Lechuza Vineyardなどの生産者は、1つまたは2つの特製品種の代わりに、南ヨーロッパの温暖な気候に適したさまざまなブドウに焦点を当てています。考えてみてください:ネッビオーロ、サンジョヴェーゼ、テンプラニーリョ、シラー、ヴェルメンティーノ、ヴィオニエ、その他多数。
「この非常に独立した職人のコミュニティは、彼らの仕事が大好きです。彼らはティンシティの一部であり、共有することを唯一の目的として、その愛をすべてに注ぎ込んでいます」とティンシティのウェブサイトは述べています。 「あなたがする必要があるのは、現れてそれを楽しむことだけです。」
多くの場合、ワインに関する最初の手がかりはそのラベルから来ています。購入する前に味わう機会がない限り、ラベルの情報から、ワインに関するすべての質問(ブドウの種類、ヴィンテージ、ワイナリーの生産)に答える必要があります。 。
ラベルにブドウ品種の名前が記載されている場合、ワインは完全にまたは主にそのブドウから作られています。 2つ以上のブドウ品種が記載されている場合、ワインはそれらのブドウのブレンドです。ただし、(ほとんどの旧世界のワインの場合のように)ブドウの品種の代わりに、栽培地域または原産地のアペラシオンが記載されている場合があります。この場合でも、どのブドウ品種が使用されたかを判断することは可能です-それはあなたの側でもう少し作業が必要です。たとえば、キャンティはイタリアのサンジョヴェーゼブドウから作られ、ピュリニィモンラッシェはフランスのシャルドネブドウから作られていることを知っておく必要があります。一部の人々は、栽培地域が異なれば土壌、気候、ブドウ栽培の慣行も異なるため、栽培地域に名前を付けることはブドウ品種に名前を付けるよりも実際に有益であると信じています。これらはすべてワインの味を変える可能性があります。
ヴィンテージの日付は、ワインを作るために使用されたブドウが収穫された年を示しています。ラベルやネックバンドにヴィンテージの日付が表示されていない場合、ワインは混合ヴィンテージから作られています。ヴィンテージは非常に重要な情報である場合もあれば、比較的意味が少ない場合もあります。 2つの異なる地域で栽培された同じ種類のブドウが異なる味のワインを生産できるように、ブドウが栽培された年も生産するワインの品質に影響を与える可能性があります。降雨量、気温の高低などの気象条件は、ブドウの成長に影響を与え、その結果、ワインの味に影響を与える可能性があります。ただし、世界の一部の地域では他の地域と比べて天候パターンに劇的な違いがないため、特定のワインではヴィンテージの日付がほとんど意味をなさない場合があります。すべてを整理するのは難しい場合があります。幸いなことに、ワインの出版物はあなたのためにそれを行い、定性的にヴィンテージを分析します。この情報は、特に高価なワインを購入するときに便利なショッピングツールになります。
アメリカのワインでは、エステートボトルという用語の使用は法的に制限されています。このフレーズは、ワインが製造された場所で瓶詰めされ、ワインのブドウがワイナリー自身のブドウ園またはワイナリーが長い間リースしているブドウ園からのものであることを示しています。フランスワインの場合、シャトーまたはドメーヌのボトルは同じことを意味します。ボルドーワインではmisen bouteille au chateau、ブルゴーニュワインではmis en bouteille audomaineというフレーズを探してください。
ワイン愛好家 トレンティーノ州を 毎年恒例のワインスターアワード の中に 今年のワイン産地 カテゴリー。トレンティーノと競合しているのは、アデレードヒルズ(オーストラリア)、メンドーサ(アルゼンチン)、リアスバイシャス(スペイン)、サンタバーバラ郡(カリフォルニア)です。 The authoritative New York magazine and one of the most prestigious wine magazines in the world, which has described the best wine production in the world since 1988, was behind the nomination.
“In the Dolomite mountain range of Northern Italy, the province of Trentino is home to a host of world-class, terroir-driven wines. Some of the most best-known offerings are bottled under the Trento Denominazione di Origine Controllata (DOC), which produces classic examples of traditional-method sparkling wines made from Chardonnay, Pinot Bianco and Pinot Nero.”
As the editorial staff of ワイン愛好家 explains, Trentino is competing for this prestigious award thanks to its long history as a province that produces great wines. First and foremost is Trentodoc, a Metodo Classico sparkling wine made from Chardonnay, Pinot Bianco, Pinot Nero and Meunier grapes. Its distinctive features include its unique quality and originality that have led to the brand’s increasing popularity in the US market.
In addition to Trentodoc, Pinot Grigio, Teroldego, Lagrein and Merlot are mentioned as some of the many varieties produced that represent this territory:
“The province is also home to the Trentino DOC, which encompasses a wide range of still wines that represent the backbone of the region made from Pinot Grigio, Teroldego, Lagrein, Merlot and many other regional and international varieties.”
In addition to the Wine Region category, the Annual Wine Star Awards, now at its 21st edition, highlights many other aspects of the beverage sector with its nominations for Person of the Year, Lifetime Achievement, Philanthropy, Innovator, Wine Executive, Winemaker, American Winery, European Winery, New World Winery, Importer, Retailer of the Year, Spirit Brand/Distiller of the Year, Sommelier/Beverage Director, Social Visionary of the Year and Winery Experience.
Pouring on the wine and charm at Lodi's Oak Farm Vineyards
わお。 The nationally distributed Wine Enthusiast Magazine has conferred one of its 2015 Wine Star Awards on Lodi, as its Region of the Year.
But why? In their own press release, Wine Enthusiast listed a number of the region&rsquos achievements over the past 25 years, and then distilled it all down to one &ldquoprime&rdquo reason: &ldquoIt&rsquos these young people (i.e. &lsquotwenty-somethings from Lodi grape-growing families that often return to work in the family vineyards and cellars&rsquo) and the youthful attitude of their elders that drive the innovation pushing Lodi forward&rdquo (our italics).
While declaring, &ldquoDon&rsquot write Lodi off,&rdquo the San Francisco Chronicle somewhat skeptically suggests that it may seem &ldquolike a stretch to call Lodi NS wine region of 2015 &ndash that&rsquos out of all the wine regions of the world.&rdquo Which, even if backhandedly, makes the honor all the more impressive.
The Chronicle, however, may have missed the Wine Enthusiast&rsquos point. Truth is, the Enthusiast&rsquos criteria for picking Wine Star Award winners varies from year to year, depending upon the recipients. Their 2014 Wine Region of the Year, for instance, was New York, which produces about 3.5% of the wines grown in the U.S. (California produces 89%) most of it rarely seen outside the Northeast. Nonetheless, New York has a laudable history of inventive winegrowing especially considering such marginal climatic conditions which engender markedly leaner styles of wine than that of the West Coast or even most of Europe although New York Rieslings are probably second to none. Point being, even regions like New York, of rather provincial popularity and distribution, deserve some love.
So kudos to Wine Enthusiast for maintaining a catholic criteria when making its yearly selections. Other previous Wine Region of the Year honorees have included Paso Robles (2013), Spain&rsquos Ribera del Duero (2012), and Italy&rsquos Prosecco (2011). 2015&rsquos nominees, along with Lodi which drew the winning hand, included Marlborough in New Zealand, Sonoma&rsquos Russian River Valley, Sicily in Italy, and Washington/Oregon&rsquos Walla Walla Valley &ndash all outstanding wine regions deserving Wine Star Awards.
Estate Crush's Alison Colarossi punching down her Stellina Lodi Zinfandel
No one, not even in Lodi, takes a Wine Star Award to mean that the best wines in the world are now being made in Lodi. That&rsquos silly. The best Paso Robles style wines in the world are still made Paso Robles, just like the fact that absolutely the finest Prosecco still comes from Prosecco and no region beats Russian River Valley when it comes to Russian River Valley Pinot Noir and Chardonnay.
Lodi is special, but for its own reasons. If you ask us to count the ways, we would admit pride in the fact that this is the year that factors such as the following finally seem to matter:
1. Lodi&rsquos long overlooked history of viticulture, dating back to the 1860s living on in thousands of acres of ancient vine plantings as old as 129 years, still being lovingly cultivated and often bottled as vineyard designated wines today.
2. Lodi&rsquos recent history of growers (some 750 of them) and wineries (up to about 75) working hand in hand with each other through the Lodi Winegrape Commission, founded in 1991 in a close-knit, cooperative spirit that is virtually unheard of in other American wine regions.
Michael David's 6th generation grower Kevin Phillips epitomizes Lodi's 150-year-old winegrowing history
3. Lodi Rules for Sustainable Winegrowing &ndash a rigorous, thoroughly comprehensive third party (Protected Harvest) certification program of sustainable viticulture, first implemented in 2005, and which has since become the blueprint for all other sustainable wine grape programs in the U.S., surpassing USDA National Organic Programs (such as CCOF) and all other accreditations in terms of industry-wide usage.
4. Credence finally being accorded to the reasons why over 16% of California&rsquos wine grape acreage (easily the most in the state) is in the Lodi Viticultural Area which is, simply because Lodi&rsquos Mediterranean climate (neither "hot" nor "cold," but moderate like mid-Napa Valley and easterly Sonoma County) and well drained soils are highly conducive to cultivation of premium quality Vitis vinifera (i.e. classic European grape varieties).
5. Very recent developments such as the Lodi Native Zinfandel project, which has been attracting a ton of press because of the way that native yeast fermented, non-interventionist style of heritage vineyard winemaking is showing off a delicate, balanced, fragrant side of the grape completely natural to the region &ndash a profile to which more and more consumers and connoisseurs of the varietal also happen to be leaning.
McCay Cellars' Matt McCay represents perhaps an even better Lodi generation to come
6. Lodi&rsquos steady movement towards &ldquoalternative&rdquo style grapes that grow comfortably in the region&rsquos mild climate and vine-friendly soils, to which consumers are enthusiastically responding &ndash from white wine varieties such as Albariño, Bacchus, Grenache Blanc, Kerner, Piquepoul, Riesling, Verdejo, Verdelho and Vermentino, to black skinned varieties such as Aglianico, Alvarelhão, Carignan, Cinsaut, Dolcetto, Garnacha, Graciano, Montepulciano, Pinotage, Sagrantino, Souzão, Tannat, Tempranillo, Teroldego, Touriga Franca, Touriga Nacional and Zweigelt. all told, over 100 different cultivars, more than in any other American wine region.
7. The steadily growing number of artisanal style winemakers from outside the region investing in Lodi grown fruit &ndash starting with highly respected figures like Tierra Divina&rsquos Patrick Campbell and Uvaggio&rsquos Jim Moore in the 1990s, and in recent years, high-profile winemakers such as Onesta&rsquos Jillian Johnson, Turley and Sandlands' Tegan Passalacqua, Forlorn Hope&rsquos Matthew Rorick and Bedrock&rsquos Morgan Twain-Peterson &ndash who are all sending out signals to the rest of the industry that Lodi is indeed a &ldquocool&rdquo place to source unique, premium quality wines.
Lodi icons: Mettler Family Vineyard's Larry Mettler (right) with Jason Eels
8. The proven success of homegrown Lodi producers in markets across the country and beyond (in Europe as well as Asia) &ndash notably, Michael David Winery, Mettler Family Vineyards, Klinker Brick Winery, and LangeTwins Family Winery & Vineyards &ndash who are paving the way for a growing number of boutique-sized producers, reinforcing the region&rsquos growing reputation for handcraft wines.
Make no mistake, though: Lodi still plays the same role that it has over most the past century &ndash as a supplier of giant production, value priced wines. Thank goodness for that, because consumers deserve access to consistently good quality, reasonably priced wines, too!
But when you look at the history of regions such as Napa Valley and Sonoma County, you clearly see that as recently as 30, 35 years ago the bigger producers like E. & J. Gallo and Sebastiani were still taking over 50% of the wine grapes grown in those places, too. The big guys got big because they&rsquore no dummies &ndash they know a darned good wine region when they see one.
And right now Lodi is looking pretty good, now that more people are appreciating the special things coming out of this slowly awakening giant of a wine region.
May: Willamette Valley, Oregon
Though Memorial Day Weekend means big events in wine regions across the US, plan to spend yours up in Oregon&rsquos picturesque Willamette Valley. Over 150 wineries and tasting rooms are participating in festivities that include special tastings, vineyard picnics, concerts, food pairings, chef-led lunches and dinners, art shows and more. The 2019 event listings are yet to be released, but you can get a good idea of what might be in store by looking at last year&rsquos guide.
The Allison Inn & Spa is the nicest hotel in the Willamette Valley.
Travel Tips: The Willamette Valley is just an hour outside Portland, so you could even get out there on a long layover. Instead, consider spending a few nights at the area&rsquos nicest hotel, The Allison Inn & Spa. If you do stay in the city, though, there are excellent points options including The Nines, which is part of Marriott&rsquos Luxury Collection, and the Hilton Portland Downtown.
Come under friendly fire at Haro&rsquos Batalla del Vino. Photo by CESAR MANSO/AFP/Getty Images.
Wine Enthusiast magazine names Sonoma County 'Wine Region of the Year'
The Wine Enthusiast has named Sonoma County “Wine Region of the Year,” as part of its 2019 Wine Star Award Winners, citing Sonoma County’s “long history, resilience, commitment to diversity and global leadership in sustainability.”
Recognition for the region’s sustainability comes in the wake of the Sonoma County Winegrowers’ goal of becoming a 100 percent sustainable wine region by the end of 2019. The effort made headlines earlier this month for achieving 99 percent sustainability with a slate of new farming practices among wine growers.
Sonoma County, just an hour north of San Francisco, has more than 50 miles that ride the Pacific coastline. The region has more than a million acres, with only 6% or 59,000 planted in wine grapes. The wine industry - from farming to production to tourism - is a key economic driver of the region.
The environmental efforts have provided another means for Sonoma County to distinguish itself from the Napa Valley region, which hasn’t initiated a comparable sustainability campaign and also doesn’t feature the same level of diversity in growing regions and varietals.
“I don’t know of any other region that has so many different micro climates in such a narrow range geographically,” said Mick Schroeter, winemaking director of Windsor’s Sonoma-Cutrer.
The key to the region’s character, he said, is where the fog rolls in and how it burns off.
“A great example,” Schroeter said, “are two estate vineyards - Vine Hill Ranch and Owsley Ranch Vineyard. They’re 7 miles apart and they can have a 10-degree difference in temperature. We harvest them a week apart.”
Jesse Katz, founding winemaker of Aperture Cellars and Devil Proof Vineyard, agrees with Schroeter’s take on why Sonoma County is getting more recognition. Katz has spent time in 100 countries on six continents, and made wine in Napa, Sonoma, Bordeaux, Argentina, Italy and Santa Barbara.
“From everything I’ve seen there’s nothing that can compete with Sonoma County in producing diversity able to showcase Burgundian varietals, Rhones, zins, Bordeaux and sparkling wine,” he said.
“Within Sonoma County, Bordeaux varietals ripen in Alexander Valley and closer to the coast, some sites are cooler than Champagne, France.
“If that doesn’t tell you the diversity in one region, I don’t know what does,” he said.
Katz said he’s staking his career on the belief that Sonoma County’s best sites for Bordeaux varietals can rival any in the world.
Schroeter, a native Australian, said he’s also smitten with Sonoma County but joked it’s a good idea to keep tight-lipped about this geographical paradise.
“Shhhhh,” Schroeter said. “Don’t tell everybody because otherwise everybody will be coming here.”
Keeping Sonoma County a secret may be unlikely as it moves toward its goal of 100% sustainability, as well as participating in and leading other environmental initiatives. According to the Wine Enthusiast, the Sonoma County Winegrowers has been selected as the exclusive partner in the launch of the California Land Stewardship Institute’s Climate Adaptation Certification program. Piloted in Sonoma County, this program will then be shared with other wine regions across the globe.
You can reach Wine Writer Peg Melnik at [email protected] or 707-521-5310.
Peg Melnik
Wine, The Press Democrat
Northern California is cradled in vines it’s Wine County at its best in America. My job is to help you make the most of this intriguing, agrarian patch of civilization by inviting you to partake in the wine culture – the events, the bottlings and the fun. This is a space to explore wine, what you care about or don’t know about yet.
The Wine Region of the Year - Recipes
Lodi, CA, November 3, 2015 &ndash The Lodi Winegrape Commission is excited to announce that Lodi has been named &ldquoWine Region of the Year&rdquo by the Wine Enthusiast, one of the world's most well regarded publications dedicated to wine, spirits, food and travel. The announcement was made this morning, with the actual award to be presented at the Wine Star Awards on January 25th - the publication&rsquos annual black-tie gala dinner at the New York Public Library in New York City. WSA_Trophy
Each year since 2000, the editors of Wine Enthusiast have honored individuals, companies, regions and organizations whose vision has impacted the wine and spirits industries with their coveted Wine Star Awards. Wine Enthusiast&rsquos stated purpose for the &ldquoWine Region of the Year&rdquo award &ldquois to recognize not only excellence in wine quality, but also innovation and excitement coupled with the courage to take risks and the skill to succeed.&rdquo With the &ldquoWine Region of the Year&rdquo award, Lodi is recognized in good international company in the category with previous recipients including New York State, Paso Robles, Ribera del Duero, Colchagua Valley, Mendoza, Alexander Valley, Rioja, and the Rhône Valley.
&ldquoBeing named Wine Region of the Year is exciting for Lodi as it recognizes the historic and ongoing commitment by our winegrowers, winemakers and Lodi wine region fans to grow, make, promote and enjoy amazing world-class wines from our region.&rdquo said Camron King, Executive Director of the Lodi Winegrape Commission. &ldquoLodi has been supplying winegrapes to wineries for generations and is emerging in its own right as a world-class wine producing region focused on heritage, innovation and our commitment to place and people through our leadership in sustainability. The future for the Lodi wine region is brighter than ever and all of our growers, winemakers and community are thrilled to be honored with this award and recognition.&rdquo
The other nominees for the 2015 &ldquoWine Region of the Year&rdquo were Marlborough, New Zealand Russian River Valley, California Sicily, Italy and Walla Walla, Washington.
About Lodi, California
Located south of Sacramento and west of the Sierra Nevada, the Lodi wine region features 110,000 acres of vineyards that thrive in the classic Mediterranean climate of warm days and cool evenings.
A major winegrape growing region since the 1850s, today Lodi boasts over 750 growers. The region owes much of its recent success to the increase in critical and consumer attention paid to Lodi-designate wines. Known for its high quality winegrapes, Lodi was always a winegrowing region first &ndash known best for specializing in viticulture and sustainability practices and selling its highly-coveted winegrapes to wineries and wine companies in Napa, Sonoma, and California&rsquos Central Valley. However, the past 10-15 years has seen astronomical growth in demand for Lodi wines, as well as in tourism to the wine region, incentivizing winegrowers to hold on to larger percentages of their crop for craft production under their own labels. The result has been a dramatic shift in quality perception, with explosive growth enhanced by a friendly business culture that emphasizes collaboration, community and innovation.
Today, Lodi is home to over 85 boutique wineries specializing in small-lot, handmade wines that have garnered major awards at both domestic and international wine competitions. In addition, Lodi is one of the leading wine regions when it comes to sustainable viticulture. The Lodi Winegrape Commission created Lodi Rules&trade, California&rsquos first third-party-certified sustainable winegrowing program, which recently won Governor Jerry Brown&rsquos annual Governor&rsquos Environmental and Economic Leadership Award (GEELA) - the highest environmental award in the state of California - for its mission to address major environmental, economic and social challenges facing California agricultural industry.
With more than 100 varieties currently being cultivated, Lodi offers a diverse portfolio of wines. While long renowned for its high-quality Zinfandel production, including an estimated 2,000 acres of pre-Prohibition own rooted vines, the area also produces award-winning Cabernet Sauvignon, Petite Sirah and Chardonnay. More recently, Lodi has been gaining consumer traction for its other exciting varietals such as Albariño, Tempranillo, Kerner, Gewürztraminer, Graciano and Vermentino, among many others.
2015 has seen a tremendous swell of support and recognition for the Lodi wine region. In addition to the prestigious GEELA award, Lodi was also selected in August 2015 to be the host for the 2016 Wine Bloggers Conference, the pre-eminent gathering of hundreds of wine bloggers and wine writing professionals who come together for educational sessions, networking and social gathering.
Trentino Wineries You Need to Know
いいえ、違います それ Ferrari. This Ferrari family has been producing classic-method sparkling wines since the turn of the 20th century, making it the founding winery of Trentodoc (an appellation of white and sparkling wines produced in this region). The winery is run by the third generation of Giulio Ferrari's protégé, Bruno Lunelli, and combines modern winemaking with the deeply rooted tradition of Trentodoc that the family helped put on the map.
試す: Ferrari Perlé, a vintage Trentodoc made with the vineyard's best Chardonnay that is elegant with balanced, fruity aromas and toast-like notes.
Cesarini Sforza
Another family-run Trentodoc producer, Cesarini Sforza focuses on brut and rosé sparkling wines. Using the longstanding tradition of Trentodoc wines, the winery prides itself on the long cellaring that every bottle undergoes.
Try: Cesarini Sforza Brut, a lively and creamy Trentodoc made with 100 percent Chardonnay grapes that ages in dark cellars for 24 months until it reaches its renowned fragrance and taste with scents of cotton candy and brioche.
Founded in 1979 by Diego and Francesco Moser, the famed Italian road-racing cyclist, Moser is known for producing classic-method sparkling wines of top quality high on the hills above the capital city. The pair opened a modern winery in a former bishop's residence in 1988 that offers gorgeous views of the countryside.
試す: Moser 51,151 Brut, named after the number of meters Francesco biked to break the Hour Record, commemorates the achievement with an explosion of freshness and mineral flavors and an intense, fruity nose.